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Monday, December 31, 2012


"No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God"  Luke 9: 62

Imagine a young man who started a high school education. He had some academic hold-ups along the line, and he decided to withdraw. Friends, relations and teachers will  laugh at him, and will not take him very seriously. Or think of a farmer who cleared a field to plant cocoa, coffee or wheat. Then, after clearing a few centimeters, he abandons the field. Such one is not ready to face the rigors of farming.

            Jesus in the proverb above talks about undertaking any business or starting a project. He does not want  anyone who has taken a decision to follow him  to begin to regret or look back. He has never failed to complete any project during his earthly ministry, and he does not expect that any should abandon the work of the kingdom because of the pleasures, wealth and honors of the world. Religion is everything or nothing. He that is not willing to sacrifice everything for the cause of God, he has nothing to offer.


Challenge:        Just a stroke more makes the difference.

Prayer:             Father, give me all the strength I need to move on.

Further reading: Matthew 7:24-27

Quote:             Jesus has never failed to complete any project.


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