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Saturday, December 22, 2012


"How long halt ye between two opinions?"  1Kings 18:21b

Success never depends on chance; it is a product of choice. Success, more often than not, comes by being very decisive in taking prompt actions towards your goals. Most times, success eludes students when they delay too much before deciding on profitable line of actions. Great opportunities are lost and precious time wasted through indecision. To be undecided on a line of action is a decision in itself; for nobody can stand on the fence. You are either taking decision for success or failure.
            Students who are always having two minds will find solace in coming late to school, delaying in the submission of assignments and getting home late after school. You have to take prompt decisions, even if, it means you will sometimes make a mistake. You may never score one hundred percent. You will do yourself a favour by taking your own decision without following public opinions. Don’t ever wait for people to make decisions for you, because you will certainly take responsibility for your actions.

Challenge:       Avoid the web of indecision
Prayer:             Dear Lord, help me to be decisive.
Further reading: Joel 3:14-18
 Quote:       Are for success or failure?


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