A new and happy month is about to comeMay God bless you with happiness and joy which you missed in the last month. Happy New Month. |
In busy life,We dont have enoughIn busy life,We dont have enough time to enjoy and spend time with each other. At the start of this month, I wish and hope to spend some time with you. Share all the good memories of our love Happy Lovely New Month. |
May your new month be filled with.....May your new month be filled with Happiness Love Good Will and All kinds of success. Happy New Month! |
Hope this month will bring a lot of changeHope this month will bring a lot of change in your life This change will be as good as you are. Enjoy your new month with all of your friends and your loved ones. Happy New Month! |
Try to make your new month as bright as moon
Try to make your new month as
bright as moon as gay as butterflies as colorful as rainbow
as lovely as flowers as happy as birds.
So enjoy your new month at full extent
happy New Month!
Hey Friends!Hey Friends!Its a great fun to have new things. You also gonna have two new things. That’s a new month and a new Year too. Have great fun and enjoy the both.Happy New Month New Year! |
May this new month be start with a new sun of success for you.May this new month be start with a new sun of success for you. May every ray of the new sun prove a happiness for you. Happy New month! |
Look the last sun of this month is going to setLook the last sun of this month is going to set. New Month is looking your way to shine your future. May your future be as bright as the sun. Happy New Month! |
Happy New month to all.Happy New month to all. May this new month be a happy and prosperous for all of us.
Happy New Month!
New years and new months are the significance of change.New years and new months are the significance of change. They show that life never stops for anything. So keep moving and keep smiling. Happy New Month |
Hey friendsHey friends, This is the first day of the new month and it can be a new start of your life also. Take a long breath and start going ahead towards your destination. Best Of Luck Happy New Month! |
Its good to wish new month because it comes with new passions, spirits and hopes.Its good to wish new month because it comes with new passions, spirits and hopes. So Happy new Month! |
May God fill your life with all His blessings. My prayers are with you always.May God fill your life with all His blessings. My prayers are with you always.Happy New month! |
Last sun of this month is going to set,Last sun of this month is going to set, Grass with dew is going to wet I m praying for your success and happiness, May God shower His countless blessings upon you in this new month and thereafter. Happy New Month! |
New month begins,New month begins, let’s pray that it will b a month with New Peace, New Happiness and abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the New Month. |
May this new month bring many opportunities to your way,May this new month bring many opportunities to your way, to attain every happiness and success of life may your estimations and intentions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements Happy New month! |
New Month quotesNew Month quotes I will seek elegance rather than luxury, refinement rather than fashion. I will seek to be worthy more than respectable, wealthy and not rich. I will study hard, think quietly, talk gently, and act frankly. I will listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with an open heart. I will bear all things cheerfully, do all things bravely await occasions and hurry never. In a word I will let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common. |
New Month Text MessageNew Month Text Message Wishes The Last monthhas gone Let the dead past bury its own dead,The New Month has taken possession of the clock of time, All hail the duties in possibilities of da coming 30 Days Happy New month |
Whenever new month comesWhenever new month comes, my hands raise for the best time of your life ever. I wish you always remain happy and never see any trouble and worries in future. Wish you a happy and pleasant new month. |
New month always comes with new challengesNew month always comes with new challenges and purposes for us, it is a voice of my heart that you defeat all challenges and be successful not only in this month but all the years of life. |
Comes new moments of new monthComes new moments of new month, my heart wishes that your face always keep on smiles and laughter throughout month and you never see any sadness. Wish you a Happy New Month |
This is start of monthThis is start of month, and i wish may you be happy always the upcoming time. May this month be a good new bearer for you, May all your problems be solved. May your dreams come true this month, May all your wishes be fulfilled. What time is passed, has already passed. so it is of no use to mourn on past, thinks ahead. Life is waiting for you. |
May you enjoy good healthMay you enjoy good health, wealth, family, friends the whole upcoming time. There are problems, but take them as trials. May all your problems be solved. May you have good time.Happy New Month |
Start new month with new soulStart new month with new soul. New passion. Best of luck for the coming days. May this new month bring prosperity to you, May the smiles on your face never fade away. Every month is new page of life, so write carefully on it. May your book of life be filled colorful pages. |
Start new month with new soulStart new month with new soul. New passion. Best of luck for the coming days. May this new month bring prosperity to you, May the smiles on your face never fade away. Every month is new page of life, so write carefully on it. May your book of life be filled colorful pages. |
I love to talk to you at this momentI love to talk to you at this moment, before the start of new month. Now i am sure, my month will be very good. You are always lucky to me. |
May all your weaknesses turn into your strengthsMay all your weaknesses turn into your strengths, May all your problems be solved. May each day of coming month bring many reasons of celebrations for you. Happy new month |
Patience is the key to all doors of successPatience is the key to all doors of success, Patience teaches us the art of hard work, We should do this practice, so we can find the real concept of success and happiness.Happy New Month. |
May your tomorrow will be brightMay your tomorrow will be bright May your tomorrow will be bright,Like your yesterday Just like a sun of a new day May you get success wealth and health in this new month And you will become like the only shinning star near the moon. Wish You A Happy New Month. |
Short New Month SMSShort New Month SMS Always welcome new day of the new month… As it boosts our capabilities and energies to achieve anything It brings new hopes, new strength So buckle up for the better future Wish You A Happy New Month. |
Short New Month SMSShort New Month SMS Happiness as light as air. LOVE as DEEP as OCEAN. Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold. These r my wishes 4 u today n everyday...Happy New Month |
Never say u r happy when u r sad..Never say u r happy when u r sad.. Never say u r fine when u r not ok.. Never say u feel good when u feel bad,.. Never say u r alone when i m still alive...{dedicated to my friend} good luck and best wishes for ever............. hum. Happy New Month |
Happiness as light as airHappiness as light as air. LOVE as DEEP as OCEAN. Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold. These r my wishes 4 u today n everyday...Happy New Month |
Sometimes we must be hurt in order to growSometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, Sometimes we must fail in order to know, Sometimes we must lose in order to gain Because some lessons in life are best learned through pain. Have a blessed day! |
in everything u do have a purposein everything u do have a purpose,prepare to pursue ur purpose with a prayer,ask 4 guidance,protection and direction.Give thanks 2 answered prayers,have faith in your ability 2 succeed,be positive and never look back.If u keep all this in ur mind u wont wrong |
Rain of summer, snow of winterRain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.May God suceed u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & God bless u. |
God's blessing may come as a surprise,God's blessing may come as a surprise, and how much u recieve, depends on how much, ur heart can believe.may u be blessed beyond wat u expect .Happy New Month |
Past is experience, Present is experiment.Past is experience, Present is experiment. Future is expectation!!! Use ur experience in your experiments to get your expectations.. ** Wish u a happy life and New Month |
Every sunset gives us one day less to live!Every sunset gives us one day less to live!But every sunrise give us\, one more to hope!So, hope for the best.Good afternoon&good luck for our luv and our coming examinations..... Happy New Month |
Trust your heart don't be afraid to reach out to something newTrust your heart don't be afraid to reach out to something new.Go ahead get yor hopes up even if things turns out differently than you have imagined.You will have tried,you will have learned,you never have to live with regrets.It seems to me what wears us down the most in life aren't the chances we take but the ones we don't take,the dreams we put aside,the adventure we push away.So what ever you want in life go for it an dalways remember no-matter what trust youer heart Good Luck |
Har kamyabi pe apka nam hoga,Har kamyabi pe apka nam hoga, Apke har kadam pe duniya ka salam hoga, Mushkilo ka samna himmat se karna, Dua hai ek din waqt bhi apka gulam hog |
In life LOVE is never plannedIn life LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when LOVE is real,It becomes ur PLAN for life and ur reason for living.Happy New Month |
Dont think how many moments in your lifeDont think how many moments in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment. Love sms Treat everyone with politeness,...Happy New Month |
Dont think how many moments in your lifeTreat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**...Happy New Month |
Success is like tip of the tailSuccess is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules.......Happy New Month |
GOD is always playing CHESS with each one of usGOD is always playing CHESS with each one of us. He makes Moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES ... So make the best move before CHECKMATE..........Happy New Month |
Love sms If one night a big fat manLove sms If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window grabs you and puts you in a sack don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS.....Happy New Month |
May the joy and peace of ChristmasMay the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the Year. Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above. Happy Christmas.....Happy New Month and merry xmas in Advance |
May the good times and treasuresMay the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness....Happy New Month |
Without Love -- dayz areWithout Love -- dayz are "Sadday, moanday, tearsday, wasteday, thirstday, frightday, shatterday... so be in Luv everyday... Wish u a Happy New Month |
Life ends when you stop dreamingLife ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful. Happy New Month |
Time will always flyTime will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remeber me Love sms When You give your heart. Happy New Month |
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someoneWhen time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.. Happy New Month |
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someoneI m going to write on all the bricks I MISS U and i wish that one falls on ur head,so that u knows how it hurts when u miss someone special like u... Happy New Month |
If 10 people care 4 uIf 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.... Happy New Month |
I m feeling so happyI m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love..... Happy New Month |
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!..... Happy New Month |
If i were a tear in ur eyeIf i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!..... Happy New Month |
It only takes a minute to get a crushIt only takes a minute to get a crush on someone an hour to like someone a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone..... Happy New Month |
Remember me and bare in mindRemember me and bare in mind A faithful girl is hard to find This is always good and true So dont go changing old for new!.... Happy New Month |
What is the diff between pleasureWhat is the diff between pleasure and torture? Pleasure is thinking of u & torture is thinking of u 2 much. Love sms If you see some one without a smile.... Happy New Month |
If you see some one without a smileIf you see some one without a smile,give him one of yours ,because you are among a few good people who can shine others lives by just walking with him a few miles. Love sms.... Happy New Month |
9 lessons in life:9 lessons in life: Learn 2 care, learn 2 smile, learn 2 cry, learn 2 give, learn 2 forgive, learn to share, learn to trust, learn 2 love & learn 2 SMS me DAILY...!!!.... Happy New Month |
If i were to describe true love thanIf i were to describe true love than i wud describe it as what a snowman did to a snow woman, he gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms....... Happy wonderful New Month |
sum ppl say happiness is lyfsum ppl say happiness is lyf. others say it's freedom. &sum say it's money... but happiness 4me is just having da opportunity 2know u!!..... Happy wonderful New Month |
I have a new kodak cameraI have a new kodak camera ur snap please... don't move steady smile :) ready click ohh ho those who live in ones heart cant have a snap!!!..... Happy wonderful New Month |
Love sms to see lighLove sms to see light,look at sun..to see love look at moon to see light,look at sun..to see love look at moon..to see beauty,look at nature..to see hope,look at future..but,to see all of this,look at the mirror....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Happy wonderful New Month |
Talk 2 me wen Im BoredTalk 2 me wen Im Bored, B with me wen im Sad, Hug me wen i Cry, Care 4 me wen im Sick, Dont ever cry 4 me wen I die! Just treasure me wen Im ALIVE..... Happy wonderful New Month |
Please remind me 2 remindPlease remind me 2 remind U about reminding me to send U this reminder that reminds me of reminding U that U never have to remind me 2 remember U, I ALWAYS DO!... Happy great New Month |
Love smsIt feels nice when some1 misses uLove smsIt feels nice when some1 misses u It feels nice when some1 misses u, feels good when some1 loves u. feels better when some1's with u. But it feels the best when some1 never 4gets u.. Happy great New Month |
SMILESMILE: S: Sets u free, M: Makes u special, I: Increases ur face value, L: Lifts up ur spirits, E: Erases all ur tensions, So, please keep smiling. . Happy great New Month |
Love sms 7 Glances= 1 SmileLove sms 7 Glances= 1 Smile 7 Glances= 1 Smile 7 smiles =1 meeting 7meetings= 1 kiss 7 kisses= 1 proposal 7 Proposals=1 marriage and that bloody marriage has 777777 problems. . Happy great New Month |
Love sms When we sigh about our problems,Love sms When we sigh about our problems, When we sigh about our problems, they grow D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh about them... they become BuBBLes! Have a bubbly life!. . Happy great New Month |
Love sms Our friendship has become our HABITLove sms Our friendship has become our HABIT Our friendship has become our HABIT even if U take out H-ABIT remains.Take out A ,still BIT remains ,Finally take out B,still IT remains..... . Happy great New Month |
Love smsYou know your 1 smile can cause 100 people dieLove smsYou know your 1 smile can cause 100 people die Do you know your 1 smile can make 100 peoples die, so u can decrease this over population, so baby, please keep on smiling... . Happy great New Month |
Love sms It is scientifically provedLove sms It is scientifically proved It is scientifically proved that suger can dissolve in water,so please dont go outside when it is raining, cuz u r the sweetest in the whole world... . Happy great New Month |
Love sms I think U r very careless!!Love sms I think U r very careless!! I think U r very careless!!!U come & leave things behind!!!! See now what u have left??U just came in my mind & left a smile on my face...... . Happy great New Month |
Love sms Only the open heart receivesLove sms Only the open heart receives Only the open heart receives LOVE Only the open mind receives WISDOM Only the open hand receives GIFTS and... Only the CUTE 1's receive MESSAGES From ME! .... . Happy great New Month |
Love sms Nice people are blessed people,Love sms Nice people are blessed people, Nice people are blessed people,ever friendly, always smiling,forgive easily, hold no grudges and keep no malice. Send thisto a nice person. .... . Happy great New Month |
I just didLove sms Smile in pleasure & in pain, Smile in pleasure & in pain, Smile when trouble pours like a rain, Smile when some1 hurts u, Smile bcoz some1 still wants 2 c u SMILING !!.... . Happy great New Month |
Love sms Those 'midnight teas',Those 'bday bumps'.Love sms Those 'midnight teas',Those 'bday bumps'. Those 'midnight teas',Those 'bday bumps'... 'Old torn jeans', Those 'late night walks', 'long chats'... 'pinches & slaps'.. 'crushes on pals' & tat fight 4em', 'frying nuts'..making rowses bunking classes,calculating attendance percentage, copying tests and ass.:) gettin kicked out of class.. 'struggle 4marks', 'writin on desks', 'fight wit teachers', 'tears 4love', those B-grade movies... Jst evritin... "Tatz college life" v cal it "HEAVEN".... . Happy great New Month |
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